Get To Know Us

The Fairfield Capital Advantage

Expertise, Reputation and Ethics

Expertise & Experience

Equipment Lease and Financing Experts

Our principals have decades of equipment lease and financing experience with major commercial and investment banks, private equipment funds, and commercial finance and leasing companies.


Complexity Made Simple

Fairfield Capital’s professionals are experts in arranging highly complex, tax-advantaged equipment lease financings for manufacturers and users of capital equipment.

Renewable Energy Lease Financing

We have helped public and private companies navigate the complexities involved in the accounting and tax considerations associated with the lease financing of renewable energy equipment.

Client Focused Process

We are focused on first understanding our clients’ needs and then formulating an execution strategy that closes these transactions on time and with as few surprises as possible.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

We have been down this path many times before, and our experience can save your company a lot of time and money as we avoid many of the pitfalls and missteps that companies engaging in these types of complex, tax-advantaged financings for the first time can experience.

Expertise & Experience

Equipment Lease and Financing Experts

Our principals have decades of equipment lease and financing experience with major commercial and investment banks, private equipment funds, and commercial finance and leasing companies.


Complexity Made Simple

Fairfield Capital’s professionals are experts in arranging highly complex, tax-advantaged equipment lease financings for manufacturers and users of capital equipment.

Renewable Energy Lease Financing

We have helped public and private companies navigate the complexities involved in the accounting and tax considerations associated with the lease financing of renewable energy equipment.

Client Focused Process

We are focused on first understanding our clients’ needs and then formulating an execution strategy that closes these transactions on time and with as few surprises as possible.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

We have been down this path many times before, and our experience can save your company a lot of time and money as we avoid many of the pitfalls and missteps that companies engaging in these types of complex, tax-advantaged financings for the first time can experience.

Our Reputation

Sustainability is at the Heart of Our Business Activities

Our sustainable business practices are based on integrity, fairness, transparency and responsibility.  We are fully supportive, both individually and as a company of international efforts, to decarbonize the world economy.

We operate with the highest ethical standards

Fairfield Capital is one of the 580 members of the Equipment Finance and Leasing Association and participates in its Professional Code of Conduct. Fairfield Capital is also a member of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association.

Fairness & Transparency

We deal fairly with both our clients and our investors as we are unable to successfully operate in the capital markets unless both sides—our client and the investor providing the financing—are confident that they have just closed a successful lease financing transaction where both parties have achieved their goals and are satisfied that they have a “good deal.”

Fairfield Capital is transparent in its dealings with all the parties to a lease financing transaction.  Only by dealing with each party candidly and honestly are we able to form and develop the long-term relationships on which our track record and reputation depend.

Our Reputation

Sustainability is at the Heart of Our Business Activities

Our sustainable business practices are based on integrity, fairness, transparency and responsibility.  We are fully supportive, both individually and as a company of international efforts, to decarbonize the world economy.

We operate with the highest ethical standards

Fairfield Capital is one of the 580 members of the Equipment Finance and Leasing Association and participates in its Professional Code of Conduct. Fairfield Capital is also a member of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association.

Fairness & Transparency

We deal fairly with both our clients and our investors as we are unable to successfully operate in the capital markets unless both sides—our client and the investor providing the financing—are confident that they have just closed a successful lease financing transaction where both parties have achieved their goals and are satisfied that they have a “good deal.”

Fairfield Capital is transparent in its dealings with all the parties to a lease financing transaction.  Only by dealing with each party candidly and honestly are we able to form and develop the long-term relationships on which our track record and reputation depend.

Partners & Associates

A Commitment To Responsibility

Finally, all our partners and associates deal responsibly with all our clients and investors.  Everything we do is done the correct and ethical way and with the best interests of our clients guiding every decision we make.  You can feel comfortable knowing the Fairfield Capital operates with your company’s objectives and best interests as our standard.

Major Commercial & Investment Experience

Our principals have decades of experience in the secured asset finance and lease capital markets working for major commercial and investment banks, equipment leasing and commercial finance companies, and Wall Street law firms.


Industry Connections & Executive Access

Fairfield Capital’s deep and extensive industry experience opens doors for our clients. We have access to the C-Level executives at many of the equipment finance and lease investors that we work with. Our Managing Directors are highly regarded in the equipment finance and lease capital markets. This gives us immense credibility and enables Fairfield Capital to access the broadest investor market for our clients.

legacy equipment

experienced with all types of legacy equipment

Our professionals are experienced with all types of legacy equipment typically financed through leases or secured financing.

fairfield capital our national investors
  • automobile


  • marine


  • excavator


  • plane

    (Corporate & Commercial)

  • rail


  • technology


  • truck


  • bus


Renewable Energy & Hydrogen Power Equipment

Fuel Cell Technology Equipment Lease Financing

In addition, Fairfield Capital has more recently provided advice and arranged almost $1 billion of equipment lease financing for renewable energy equipment in the last few years.  Our clients include both public and private late-stage ventures and highly leveraged companies.

Fairfield Capital has active investor relationships with over a dozen institutional investors that have closed close to $1 billion of lease financings for renewable energy equipment in the last few years.

Hydrogen storage in particular is a key enabling technology for the advancement of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in applications.

Hydrogen has the highest energy per mass of any fuel; however, its low ambient temperature density results in a low energy per unit volume, therefore requiring the development of advanced storage methods that have potential for higher energy density.


Stationary Power


Portable Power



Let's Talk

Connect With Us

Fairfield Capital's team of experts is glad to discuss your unique needs and provide financing solutions for even the most challenging of business situations.